Buy a 3-Bedroom With Terrace in a Vintage Midrise: 21 E. Elm in the Gold Coast

This 3-bedroom in the midrise at 21 E. Elm in the Gold Coast has been on the market since April 2011.


It has retained its vintage character with 2 fireplaces, including one in the master bedroom, a separate dining room and crown molding.

But the listing also says there is a new eat-in kitchen with stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops and white cabinets.

It has all the other features buyers look for including central air and washer/dryer in the unit except deeded parking.

Parking is available for rent in the high rise across the street.

There is also a 11×5 terrace off one of the bedrooms, but there doesn’t appear to be a good picture of it in the listing.

The unit is listed $138,000 above the 2003 purchase price.

Will it command a premium in this market?

Janet Owen at Prudential Rubloff has the listing. See the pictures and the floorplan here.

Unit #2D: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1800 square feet

  • Sold in July 1995 for $340,000
  • Sold in October 2003 for $560,000
  • Originally listed in April 2011 for $698,000
  • Currently still listed for $698,000
  • Assessments of $544 a month (includes heat, cable)
  • Taxes of $9015
  • Central Air
  • Washer/Dryer in the unit
  • No dogs
  • No parking (available for rent across the street)
  • Bedroom #1: 14×14
  • Bedroom #2: 15×10
  • Bedroom #3: 11×9
  • Terrace: 11×5

74 Responses to “Buy a 3-Bedroom With Terrace in a Vintage Midrise: 21 E. Elm in the Gold Coast”

  1. I’m so sick of Gold Coast/Old Town listings.

  2. i’m the opposite. KEEP THEM COMING.

  3. abigbeatdownfool on August 4th, 2011 at 10:21 am

    Nice bones. But…

    – No bathroom pics (always suspect)
    – 140k over the 2003 price (justification?)
    – No Dogs!? (board is prolly composed of Rosemary Baby-like demonics)

  4. Why the hell aren’t dogs allowed when it looks like the unit has a private entrance in the back?!?!

    Also, why would anyone pay so much over the 2003 price when this place doesn’t even include parking? “Look at me! I’ve lived in a house for 8 years, I demand to get $130,000 in profit for being that special.”

    Ugh. I guess I’m just highly annoyed at the “no dogs” policy. I always assume the owners of such places are jerks. I’m also feeling judgmental about the crib. Babies are far more annoying than dogs, but of course it’s illegal to discriminate against stupid babies.

  5. jenny, I think I love you after your latest post!

    Stupid babies? HA!

  6. Not saying that it is or isn’t a good place/price, but (i) it does look like they updated the kitchen and (ii) they likely built wiggle room into the list price. Given the lack of parking (and the fact that the outdoor space is off a bedroom), and sub-optimal location (from at least some buyers’ perspective), I’d say that $600k doesn’t seem too unreasonable.

  7. Nice place. I think it is over priced though given the current state of market, but we shall see. As for dogs, I am starting to appreciate no dog condos. Not that I have anything against the dogs. It is the owners! It is so annoying to have to deal with selfish neighbors that shut the door close real loud at 4 or 5 am when they take their dog for a walk. I mean do you have to wake up the whole building? How hard is it to hold the handle and close the door properly?!

  8. lol..on babys. I have to second that. Mine is a pest : )

  9. babies : )

  10. I wish the red wall trend would die hard with a vengeance. But the windows and doors are lovely. (yes i used lovely deal with it)

    its a beautiful building and home, nice layout, good space, a bit…well not a “bit” its just over priced.

    the current decor would fit my gram gram perfect yes wall color can change but chandelier and other fixture cost $$$. the lack of parking isnt a issue here that much.

    its gotta come down in price, because this is a nice place and someone should own this just not at 700k. no way no how

  11. Jenny,

    I’m the opposite. If a building prohibits dogs, I’m interested. However, it had better allow cats!

    I’ve brought up two kids, and although they can sometimes be loud, at least they don’t shed, jump, lick, bark, lunge, bare their teeth, etc. I’d much rather share an elevator with someone and their baby than with someone and their dog.

  12. and seriously what the heck is the deal with giving the kid the smallest bedroom?

    i understand (from the decor) that this is grandma’s place and the kids room is only used for when baby sitting but still the smallest room really?

  13. “lack of parking”

    Who does that parking off to the side of the building belong to? If I owned a no parking place, I’d try really hard to find deeded parking I could buy somewhere, like that garage over on clark. Would be useful for me, probably will help sell the place, and if not can always sell separately.

    “the fact that the outdoor space is off a bedroom”

    You mean, media room!

  14. Groove: “its gotta come down in price, because this is a nice place and someone should own this just not at 700k. no way no how”

    What an entitled, spoiled, deluded opinion. You think they should just give this away for a song? This is a nice place and the owners aren’t going to just give it away.

    Turning off my inner clio for a moment, I completely agree: this is a great place. Too bad the sellers are being completely unrealistic…

  15. “the current decor would fit my gram gram perfect yes wall color can change but chandelier and other fixture cost $$$”

    i thought the same and there is a nursery so i assume a youngish family lives here.

  16. gringozecarioca on August 4th, 2011 at 10:55 am

    oh that’s awesome. Angle your projector at your neighbors side wall and watch movies on the side of his house. If he walks past -what is now – YOUR screen, start throwing popcorn and soda at him while making derogatory comments.

    If anonnys neighbors only knew how much i want their house. Force him to move… Dare i say it? Lakeview!!!

  17. Let me throw out a few broad generalizations –

    Most kids don’t piss on the hallway carpet or in the elevator.

    A lot of dogs do.

    Most people don’t clean up after the above mentioned “accident” – unless of course – someone happens to see it.

    Most “dog” people think that just because someone doesn’t want to step in/see/smell dog piss – that they are “jerks – according to jenny”

    I know – the dog can’t help it… blah, blah, blah – but maybe the fact that you keep it cooped up all day, alone in some crappy condo has something to do with it.

    Cleaning up after public urination would spead some good will with your neighbors.

  18. why does granny’s house have a crib in it!

  19. I clean up after my dog…. It’s disgusting when people don’t clean up after them.

    Even if I hated dogs, I would much rather ride in an elevator with a dog than a shrieking child. Ugh. It’s even worse when there are two kids in an elevator and they shriek and whine about who gets to press the buttons, while their parents think it’s so cute.

    I’m glad I live in a townhouse and don’t have a shared entry.

    The unit above looks like the back has a private entrance. I don’t understand why dogs wouldn’t at least be allowed on the lower levels.

  20. I had lunch with a male friend who has a one year old baby. He was so funny, he looked up from his soup and said “you know, babies suck. They cry all the time. They wake up whenever and just cry”. I have a dog and a child and both urinate where they are supposed to. I guess I’m lucky. And so are my neighbors.

  21. gringozecarioca on August 4th, 2011 at 11:26 am

    dogs are pack animals. People that buy them and leave them alone for 12 hours everyday are very often creating a maladjusted pup. Totally not cool!!!

  22. I agree with Jenny.
    Will people complain if a have a baby crying all night long? No, they will not.
    I do not trust people who do not like dogs, as it was stated before, most likely they are jerks.
    If people are annoyed by dog barking, etc, go and live in the suburb. Get away from my city!

  23. MJ

    My dog does not piss on the hallway or anywhere in the building.
    My dog can help it, in fact he waited to be across the street to barf. Way better than humans.
    Some dogs are happy to be inside the condo all day. They appreciate they are not being euthanized in the shelters.
    I paid for my condo, I am not renting.

  24. People’s prejudices are pretty funny.

    “my cats are so kewl. dogs are dirty, loud and dangerous.”

    “my puppy is the cutest! don’t you just hate kids…uncontrollable wretches…”

    “i can’t wait to have kids! why would someone live with a filthy animal?”

    my life choices >>>> your life choices

  25. Some life choices shows who we really are…..
    I like kids, I like animals , I like to live in the city, I like the noise, I like the crowds. The city is alive. I like crib chatter

  26. The listing states “renovated” so they could have easily put $100,000+ into the place. I’m afraid many mistake “classic” for “grannie” If you look at a lot of the furniture it’s traditional (maybe some antique) which has been around for hundreds of years and will be in the future. It’s nice all your grannies have such elegant tastes! 🙂

  27. I think this kitchen/unit was designed to capture a retiring couple. They probably won’t care about the dog issue, and may not need a car all that often. Though no parking would kill the deal for me, personally. In any event, it has tons of character and a remodeled kitchen. I think the sellers will get close to ask b/c its move in ready and in a great location. This will appeal to a retiring/downsizing couple. There are not many Gold Coast 3 bedrooms in this price range that are ove in ready in buildings with this low of assessment/taxes.

  28. I don’t know, I think the ones to blame are parents and owners not babies and dogs. I had a big dog jump on pregnant belly while the owner was reading her email on her phone. I mean cannot you hold your dog’s leash for a 15 second elevator ride? and I was recently in a restaurant with my baby as soon as he started crying I took him outside. It is not right to ruin everyone’s dining experience because my baby is practicing for his lyric grand debut.

  29. @ JUM, what are you smoking dear? You think those bulky chairs and sopha’s are antic? Have you even seen 19th century furniture. Believe me I have a mother and a mother in law that have antic furniture all over their place and it looks nothing like this. This is pure grandma style and a tasteless grandma at that.

  30. I agree miumiu… dog owners who let their dogs jump on people are jerks… as are people who just let their kids act bratty in restaurants. The lack of basic politeness in human society is really frustrating!

    My dog doesn’t like other dogs and many times I have had close calls where an off leash dog runs up to my dog and snarling ensues. One of the reasons I wouldn’t live in an elevator building with my dog is because I wouldn’t trust her if another dog got on the elevator with us..

    I wish more people had at least some inkling that other people exist.

  31. formerroscoevillager on August 4th, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    ::Clutches pearls::

    what next, no dogs in first Class????

  32. I think they should have a “family” section on airplanes where all the crying babies can sit together. I don’t think it’s fair that I randomly get thrown next to a lap baby on an airplane. I had work to do and the baby kept crying. Not crazy crying but enough where I had to decide to just stop working and put on headphones and watch the movie.

  33. People who mind kids acting-up a bit at restaurants should limit their dining to Alinea, Trotter’s, L20 and the like. If a kid is screaming bloody murder or throwing crap around, either take the kid out of the restaurant for a few minutes, or don’t take the kid out to eat for a while. But kids making SOME noise…please. I don’t need to hear the loud conversations of self-important adult diners any more than I need to hear some kid.

  34. “I wish the red wall trend would die hard with a vengeance.”

    Good luck, you must not be aware that Chicago has almost as many Polish people as Warsaw.

  35. I think smokers, perfume wearers, non-deoderant wearers, people with bad table manners, fat people, people with pets, people who drive SUVs, teetotalers, drunks, bankers, poor people, and cartoon characters should have a special section in planes (called the baggage compartment), be banned from public transportation, be forbidden to eat in public anywhere other than Denny’s and Cracker Barrel, and be banned from any condominium outside of Texas.

  36. “I think they should have a “family” section on airplanes where all the crying babies can sit together. I don’t think it’s fair that I randomly get thrown next to a lap baby on an airplane. I had work to do and the baby kept crying. Not crazy crying but enough where I had to decide to just stop working and put on headphones and watch the movie.”

    Heartless. Wait until you have kids, then they grow up fast, and then a parent wishes they could be around babies again, so many people enjoy being around them (again), even if they are someone else’s.

  37. in the entire world i dislike 5 people in this order;

    1. bettyboop
    2. an 47 year old OG (Original Gansta) about 7 blocks from my house
    3. an in-law aunt
    4. the one frat boy from college who i always run into.
    5. Clio
    5a. our goverment (including local) but that’s a given for most level people

    sad of the list of *ONLY* five two are from CribChatter. It takes a lot for The Groove (yes third person) to dislike someone for more than one day.

  38. I knew I’d go to #1 on Groove77’s list once they took out Osama. Damn those Navy Seals. Damn.

  39. Someone with a baby should have to buy the entire row of seats. Sitting next to a baby on a plane is torture. The worst part is they can just plop their babies on their laps without even buying a seat.

    There should be an extra “your baby ruins the flight for everyone” fee for people who want to bring babies onto planes.

    I always make snide comments about the babies under my breath.

    On the other hand, I always wanted to sit next to a service dog on my trip or even someone with a lap dog.

  40. I have a baby and while I feel sorry for the parents, I have to admit some of them just are very selfish and don’t try at all calming their kid. On a plane, one doesn’t have an option, but I find it selfish not to take a crying baby out in a restaurant and anonny everyone deserves a quite dinner not just the rich who can go to up scale restaurants.

  41. anon (tfo) I was wondering which section I’d have to go in until I realized it was one big one.

  42. Jenny does it occur to you that the parents are probably letting the kid annoy you on purpose since you made such a snide comment without even giving the baby a chance? I’m pretty much immune to baby cries after 7 years, get on my bad side before we’ve even taken off and I might just let them rip.

    I hate when people assume my kids are going to misbehave, whether on a plane or in a restaurant, just because they are kids. I don’t assume you’re going to be a whiny old bag just by looking at you.

  43. gringozecarioca on August 4th, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Jen.. You are in the so happy to be euro-trash that you don’t even know you are trash category, so he has you sitting next to the rear toilets, which he has occupied by the Dutch.

    But truthfully.. People that put on too much perfume before getting on a plane. Wtf! I’ll take the banker pooping on the service cart, any day, over that.

  44. gringozecarioca on August 4th, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Jen.. You are in the so happy to be euro-trash that you don’t even know you are trash category, so he has you sitting next to the rear toilets, which he has occupied by the Dutch.

  45. I flew twice a week for many years and I assure you, all babies are horrible on a plane.

  46. Jennifer–at the risk of more snide remarks about us, you folks can sit with us anytime.

    That said, the kid thing that pisses me off is when they are allowed to wander around and just stare at others. Happened at breakfast this weekend, and happened once (for like three hours–seriously) with three (euro) kids on a flight back from europe. Makes me want to scare them, but I dont like having conversations with the police.

  47. This guy has the right idea:

  48. “You are in the so happy to be euro-trash that you don’t even know you are trash category, so he has you sitting next to the rear toilets, which he has occupied by the Dutch”

    Right down there with people intolerant of other cultures.

    But still three steps ahead of cartoon parrots.

  49. You probably didn’t realize my baby was even on the plane because they were both so quiet.

  50. I only glare at the babies and make snide comments once they start making a fuss.

    I have to admit there is a small minority of babies who are quiet.

  51. “You probably didn’t realize my baby was even on the plane because they were both so quiet.”

    Scientifically impossible! The change in pressure of take-off and landing wreaks havoc on their little ears. All babies scream when they are in pain. It’s the only way they can communicate their discomfort.

  52. I strongly doubt this show was ever broadcast here but whenever I hear ‘Eurotrash’ I think of this British show hosted by Jean Paul Gaultier…

  53. tell me about it chuck, but you cannot put them in cargo, can you? : )
    Actually I am buying my Christmas tickets and feel sorry for people seating near us. Although my baby usually shuts up upon a boob being shoved down his mouth like most men ; )
    Ze, whats with hating on Europeans? Think Kate Moss, Monica Bellucci, etc… and you’ll feel the love.

  54. I subtly stomped on a kid’s toy while the brat was sitting in the middle of the aisle playing with its toys (blocking flight attendants and anyone wanting to use the bathroom). It took all my restraint not to scream at the idiot parents. The kid just stared at me and then went back to its seat.

    The parents were Europeans and didn’t care at all that their kids were acting like jerks on a 9 hour flight.

  55. If the baby is drinking or has a pacifier in while taking off and landing the ear pressure problem is alleviated.

  56. “The parents were Europeans and didn’t care at all that their kids were acting like jerks on a 9 hour flight.”

    I bet they were Dutch. And didnt buy the kid a seat, either.

  57. “If the baby is drinking or has a pacifier in while taking off and landing the ear pressure problem is alleviated.”

    In theory…

  58. These kids were too old for car seats.

    To be fair, the parents could have just as easily been American (or any other nationality for that matter) as European.

    They were Italian though.

  59. “I only glare at the babies and make snide comments once they start making a fuss.”

    I refuse to believe if someone plops down next to you with a lap baby that you don’t start glaring.

    “Happened at breakfast this weekend”

    Uh oh, were you at Xoco? (A little disappointing for bfast based on one visit, BTW)

    My kid will at least introduce himself and make small talk. I realize that may be more annoying than just staring, although everyone tells me it’s charming.

  60. lol…bad bad Italians : ) I don’t know I have seen plenty of selfish parents here too, and man you don’t want to piss off an American mamma bear. I once saw this lady shouting and almost physically attacking some guy. I have seen a similar behaviour with Geese as well to be fair so might be instinct and all : )

  61. “Uh oh, were you at Xoco? (A little disappointing for bfast based on one visit, BTW)

    My kid will at least introduce himself and make small talk. I realize that may be more annoying than just staring, although everyone tells me it’s charming.”


    And it’s the zombie stare that bugs me–and the expectation that if one said a word to them, they’d run away screaming about the big bad man talking to them. Kids who are trying to have a conversation–even if annoying–can be managed.

  62. Don’t even mention Dutch people on a plane. Sorry. I will defend a lot of things, but Dutch people on planes is not one of them.

    You never saw people try to cram so much into an overhead locker to avoid paying to check a bag, and then there’s the fact that they can’t even get off the plane before lighting up. And yes – it’s common to wear jeans to a wedding in Holland so imagine how they dress to travel.

  63. I dont have kids, dont mind them… back to the property.

    I like this place. I would not live here, but I think its a good place for a retired couple who wants enough space for the kids to drop by once in a while. Good location with decent space, low enough assessments and taxes, and it doesnt look like there is much work to do (listing says the baths are updated). If the broker could find a parking spot adjacent to the property for $30-35K, I think it would sell fairly quickly at about $650K (separate parking included).

  64. gringozecarioca on August 4th, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    mm.. I’ll tell ya, my fav euro chick… Carla Bruni.

  65. One of my best most amazing nicest most interesting friend is dutch. I’m going to Amsterdam soon to visit. Beside my friend, my fave euro chick is Queen Elizabeth.

  66. Queen Beatrix.

  67. Kids making polite conversation can actually be amusing. My friend’s two year old will sit with the adults and talk. The toddler is fun to chat with, but most kids aren’t like her. The same friend just had another baby and he spends more time crying than any baby I’ve ever encountered. They took the toddler to Asia on vacation and she was content to sit in her seat and play with toys. I doubt the younger baby would be able to handle such a trip when he gets older. My friends don’t plan to take another plane trip for awhile since they now have two kids.

  68. Carla is mad cool and has a great figure.
    Oh and I love Dutch people. They are open minded and don’t waste resources fighting pot.
    BB, I prefer her grand kids though especially Harry ; )

  69. gringozecarioca on August 4th, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    the dutch thing is a joke from a movie.

    Ze loves the dutch… Horrible language and all. Wouldn’t think of visiting Europe without starting there.

  70. I know, even though I never saw those.
    BTW, I love Dutch stroopwafles and trader joes carries them.

  71. All I will say about Holland is that it’s not the open-minded country people think it is.

  72. They just barred foreigners from their coffee shops. Bob will spend. His vacation bucks elsewhere.

  73. it is because all the riff raffs (spelling?) were crowding their coffee shops for drugs and they did not want to become the hob for international trash.

  74. I don’t know about Dutch not being open minded. My friend has a boyfriend and she travels with him and her husband is okay with it. Maybe that is just them, but I’m stunned that this ok. Also, they have a 20 year old son and he is always having dinner with my friend and her boyfriend. MIUMIU, I think Riff Raff doesn’t need to be plural. But I have heard that they are cleaning up the Red Light District but then what are all those girls in the window going to do for jobs?


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