Archive for the 'River North' Category

Little Appreciation at the Caravel Since 2003

  The Caravel at 635 N. Dearborn is a nondescript River North high rise that was built during the hey-day of the new condo mania (when buyers were waiting in lines to get new condos and they were selling out in only days.) One of the unique features is that all of the units in […]

Like Modern? First Re-Sale in River North’s Case Study

      Lots of people were excited about Case Study, an 11 unit boutique building at 156 W. Superior in River North that was finished in 2006. It was a completely modern building, with concrete floors and gray Italian kitchens.  It won accolades from various architecture firms and magazines.  The units sold out pretty […]

Would You Buy A Condo From Ivanka at Trump Tower Chicago?

  It is not a secret that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s oldest daughter, is heavily involved in the marketing and selling of Trump Tower Chicago. But in the last two weeks in the Chicago Tribune, Trump International seems to have shifted sales techniques and is now using Ivanka as their “brand.” Trump has taken out […]

#2 Building in Chicago for Foreclosures? Millennium Centre

  While I’m on the subject of the most foreclosures, we’ll continue on with the list of the buildings that top the list.  This is an unscientific survey based on the number of times I see the building’s address when looking at the foreclosure listings put out by Record Information Services.  The building that has […]

#1 Building in Chicago for Foreclosures? The Sterling

     Yes, foreclosures are happening even in the ritzier downtown Chicago locations.  But some buildings are seeing more of them than others. In my unscientific observation, the #1 building in Chicago for foreclosures to date has been The Sterling at 345 N. LaSalle in River North.  Located near the Chicago River just down the […]

Stunning Japanese Gardens at Contemporaine Penthouse

 There are some buildings that are meant for greatness and CMK’s Contemporaine, the 28 unit modern concrete building in River North at 201 W. Grand is one of them.  Only a few years old, the building has already been added to the Architectural Foundation’s walking tours as an example of outstanding modern architecture. Units rarely come […]

Want to Sell Your Chicago Condo? Price Aggressively

  Let’s say, for whatever reason, you’ve decided to sell your downtown Chicago condo right now.  The peak buying period has passed (which is March through August in Chicago).  To add insult to injury, the housing market is flat in the city and inventory is still very high. How do you sell it? You price […]

River North Loft Short Sales Loses Fight- Faces Foreclosure

  Some buildings just don’t quite make it- even in a booming market.  420 W. Ontario is one of those. It was converted into lofts only about 4 years ago and is an authentic brick and timber building with only 28 units.  Those of you familiar with River North know it as the Reza’s building. The […]

Someone Getting a Deal on 2 Bedroom Unit in Millennium Centre

  If you watch the real estate scene intently enough, every so often deals appear (especially in this housing market.) Such was the case on a recent 2 bedroom, 2 bath that came up for sale in the Millennium Centre at 33 W. Ontario. Unit #15H: 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1289 square feet Sold in […]

154 W Hubbard Loft Conversion 50% Sold

The 18 unit conversion of a brick and timber building at 154 W Hubbard is 50% sold with the more expensive units still remaining.  Part of the problem with this building is the price.  You have 2 bedroom, 2 bath units for $649,000 but the square footage is just average.  You can buy a duplex penthouse […]