Live Among the Saints: St. Phillipus Lofts in McKinley Park

Chicago has an enormous amount of churches but as the congregations dwindle, many religious orders are left to contemplate: what to do with a church that isn’t wanted anymore?

Years ago, Chicago figured out the answer: convert them into housing.

The latest such project is in the McKinley Park area a few blocks from the orange line stop.

The St. Phillipus Lofts, at 3556 S. Seeley, is ten units priced from $259,900 to $379,900. The $259,900 unit is a 1027 square foot 2 bedroom, 2 bath.

There is parking available.


Sorry, no pictures yet of the interior.  Deliveries from February until late spring.

Century 21 S.G.R. has the listings.

St. Phillipus Lofts [Century 21 listing]

3 Responses to “Live Among the Saints: St. Phillipus Lofts in McKinley Park”

  1. Very cool place. I’ve been in there, and I have pictures somewhere, I’ll have to send them. Only thing is, McKinley Park is not really that cool of an area. Nice park, but the inhabintants are a little ghetto. (No Offense). My sister boguth a hous over there.

  2. Jason,

    Do you still have these pictures? I’d be interested to see them.

  3. I doubt Jason is checking 16 years later, but one never knows, I guess.


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