Archive for the 'Single family homes' Category

Dreaming of a Single Family Home on the Boulevard? 3055 W. Logan Blvd in Logan Square

This 4-bedroom vintage single family house at 3055 W. Logan Boulevard in Logan Square has been on the market since June 2018. Built in 1901, it has many of its vintage features including the original hardwood floors, leaded windows, moldings and archways. The listing says there is updated plumbing, electric and roof. The kitchen is […]

3 Years Later, California-Like Mansion Still For Sale: 1970 N. Burling in Lincoln Park

This 5-bedroom custom built single family home at 1970 N. Burling in Lincoln Park originally came on the market in September 2015. We chattered about it in November 2015 because it has a lot of unique features. You can read the chatter here. You might recall, it was built in 2010 on an oversized 45×122.5 […]

After a $1.45 Million Reduction, is the Abbott Estate a Deal? 4605 N. Hermitage in Ravenswood

The Abbott Estate at 4605 N. Hermitage in the Ravenswood neighborhood of Uptown came on the market in February 2016. If it looks familiar, it’s because we chattered about it in 2010 after it had been on the market during the Great Recession years in 2009 and 2010. You can see our chatter here (where […]

Looking for a Fully Functional 50s Diner? 2025 W. Chase in Rogers Park

This 3-bedroom single family home at 2025 W. Chase in Rogers Park came on the market in July 2018. (Sorry- no picture, but Redfin has it as a “hot home” so I wanted to cover it quickly.) Built in 1911, it is on a wider than normal Chicago lot of 32×113 and has a 2-car […]

Looking for a SFH with an In-Ground Heated Pool? 6087 N. Kirkwood in Sauganash

This 5-bedroom Tudor English manor at 6087 N. Kirkwood in Sauganash has been on and off the market since September 2014. If it looks familiar, that’s because we chattered about it in November 2016. See the chatter here (which was crazy- by the way.) If you recall, it’s a unique property. Built in 1937, it has […]

A Rare New Construction 4-Bedroom SFH in the Center of Old Town: 322 W. Willow

This 4-bedroom single family home at 322 W. Willow in Old Town came on the market in April 2018. It is new construction, which is rare for the heart of Old Town. The listing says the owner had to relocate after building it. It has many unique features including a glass staircase, Jonathan Adler, ETT […]

A Simple Workers Cottage is Now a Mansion in the Gold Coast: 1241 N. State Parkway

This 6-bedroom French limestone mansion at 1241 N. State Parkway in the Gold Coast recently came on the market. This is a rare new construction home on a street that has historic designation in the heart of the Gold Coast. If you recall, there used to be a 2-bedroom workers cottage on this lot that […]

When Old is New Again in Historic Lakewood Balmoral: A SFH at 5411 N. Wayne

This 5 bedroom American four square at 5411 N. Wayne in the historic Lakewood Balmoral neighborhood of Andersonville came on the market in March 2017. The prior listing in 2014 said the house was built in 1909 on an oversized 37.5 x 123 lot. Back in 2014, it was an “investment opportunity” which sold for […]

Get an Italian Villa Bungalow in Indian Boundary Park: 2721 W. Morse

This 3-bedroom Italian bungalow at 2721 W. Morse in the Indian Boundary Park neighborhood of West Ridge came on the market in May 2017. Built in 1922 on a larger than standard Chicago lot of 37×124, it has the architecture that has made Chicago famous (sorry I don’t have a picture- but I wanted to […]

Buy a Vintage SFH for Under $900,000 in Lincoln Park: 2244 N. Bissell

This 3-bedroom vintage single family home at 2244 N. Bissell in Lincoln Park came on the market in March 2017. Built in 1891, it is on a smaller than standard Chicago lot of 24×74. The house has most of its vintage features including numerous stained glass windows, millwork, pocket doors, mouldings, custom wood floors (check […]